Keep California's Raptors Flying Free!
We ask our California team members to speak out against a proposed slackening in the regulation of falconry.
In Wisconsin, Trapping and Recreation Shouldn't Mix!
A Wisconsin law that's set to go into effect in 2013 allows hunting and trapping in all state parks. We're asking our team members to request that hikers be given maximum protection.
List the Lion!
Here's how to weigh in as our bid to have the African lion listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act continues to advance.
Help Save the Animals Asia Bear Sanctuary
Please write to Vietnam's prime minister to state your opposition to the proposed closing of the Animals Asia Bear Sanctuary.
One Million Kids Against the Ivory Trade
We encourage team members, and children they know, to sign our petition.
Please Tell Your Senators to Reject S. 3525
We're encouraging our team members nationwide to write their congressional representatives to state their opposition to Senate Bill 3525, the "Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012."
Stop the Trapping of Wolves in Montana!
We encourage our team members in Montana to express opposition to a proposed wolf hunting season, which also would allow trapping.
Stop the Bird-Slaughter Bill!
We're asking our team members to make their voices heard in opposition to H.R. 3074, "the Cormorant Management and Natural Resources Act."